Second life blender rigging tutorial
Second life blender rigging tutorial

Object -> Join Objects -> Join selected (Yes, you want to merge the selected meshes).Select all 3 parts of your personal avatar (right click the first, then SHIFT right click the other 2).Then when i join the parts and remove doubles, the seams keep intact (because all duplicates are actually marked as seam and so t does not matter which of them get removed). I can avoid to loose the seams by just defining them for each of the 3 parts separately. The reason is that the remove double does not define which of the duplicates is actually removed. But when removing the duplicates that may unintentionally remove parts of my seams too. But i also want to glue the 3 body parts all together and remove duplicate vertices. This comes in handy for various purposes. Note: I want to keep the exact seams for later. Then proceed with the lower body and again mark the seam to the upper body.Now subsequently select the head, mark the corresponding seam to the upper body.Finally press CTRL – e – 1 (mark as seam).Here i switched to solid mode for demonstration: You may prefer the one or the other mode. Hint: When you press “z” you will toggle between solid mode and wireframe mode. Now select only the topmost loop where the head will later be glued to the upper body and select the lowest loop where the lower body will be glued to the upper body.Select the upper body part of your personal avatar and go to edit mode.But we will be clever and first add some seams so we can actually see where we have glued the parts together. This is not strictly necessary though, but it may make your life easier later. Thanks!ĭepending on what you want to do with your personal avatar later you can now join the 3 body parts to form one single mesh. So if anybody stumbles over an issue with tinies i would appreciate if you reported a comment here. I have not checked how they work with the Phoenix exporter. There may be a possible problem with tinies. Take care that it is scaled such that its height matches the height of the default avatar. You may need to adjust the size of your avatar. Now the default avatar and your personal avatar are perfectly aligned to each other, but reside on different layers. Proceed with your personal upperBody and LowerBoddy one by one in the same way (File -> Import -> Wavefront Object …).Now add your personal head via:File -> Import -> Wavefront object and in the import options deselect the button “-90”:.This is on purpose! Your SL-default avatar is still sitting on layer 2. You can just use layer 3 if you like.Īnd since you selected an empty layer, you won’t see anything in the new layer. While still in object mode select an empty layer (by clicking on one of the small rectangular icons in the 3D view menu bar).We will now add the exported avatar from the first step. But maybe you want the Armature to be placed on yet another layer, or as in my case i just have forgotten to select it right away (shhh… Mum’s the word! 😉 ).īy now we have separated the 3 body parts and the armature into layer 2. Note that you could have selected the body parts AND the armature in one step and move all of them together. Now select just the Armature and move it to layer 2 just as you did before (press “m” and select the layer, then press OK).

second life blender rigging tutorial

This is also not necessary, but it leaves us with a cleaner desk at the end.

  • We will move the selected elements to another layer (layer 2) by pressing the “m” key and selecting layer 2 Press OK.
  • and SHIFT right click the LowerBody of the avatar:.
  • then press the “h” key to hide the parts:.
  • Hide all unneeded parts of the default avatar, i.e.
  • This file contains all we need to get our personal avatar perfectly rigged in a few minutes only.
  • Make a copy of avatar.blend and open the copy with blender.
  • #Second life blender rigging tutorial download

    If you wish you also can download all other parts of your avatar (skirt, hair and eyes) but for our purpose this is not necessary. Proceed with the lowerBoddyMesh and the upperBodyMesh in the same way.“headMesh -> headMesh -> CurrentMesh – Save OBJ”Īnd save the file to your favorite location on your computer.

    second life blender rigging tutorial

  • Navigate to “Advanced -> Character -> Meshes And Morphs”.
  • If you do not see the Menu button in your top menu, then you can unhide it with CTRL-ALT-D. If you don’t want that, you need to remove your AO (animation overrider) first. They might be morphed into the relaxed pose, pointing pose, or fist pose.

    second life blender rigging tutorial

    As far as i have seen the currently effective morphs are taken into account. Otherwise your avatar is created with an ugly looking heel.

  • Prepare your avatar: Take off the shoe base.

  • Second life blender rigging tutorial